Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pet Food

So I am still (forever?) trying to clear out the paper clutter in my home office. There's an article that I had clipped out from the 11/29/11 Star Tribune. Written by Susan Banks for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, it mentions the book "Dinner PAWsible: A Cookbook of Healthy Dog & Cat Meals" by Cathy Alinovi, DVM, and Susan Thixton.

Get the book from the public library? Um . . . my summer reading list is already sky-high and nearly unmanageable.
Save this article and talk to Louie about making Pepper's food from scratch? Um . . . really? I can barely get done my daily to-do list. And Pepper seems to not mind the prepared food we buy for her.

But IF I ever decide to make my own food for healthier pets, I've now saved the title of this cookbook on my blog.

Now I can recycle the article. Booyah!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Zurie - Golden Retriever #4

Tim let Ann name all the girl dogs, and he named the boy dogs. Since she came from Carla (godchild of Wendy's mom Teddy), who brought her up from Missouri, Ann came up with Zurie (as in Ms. Souri). She didn't much care what you called her (also called Z or by Auntie Louise- as fur face, because she pretty much would come when she wanted to. She is golden in color and is a true retriever - it is ALL about the ball. The problem is that she wouldn't necessarily drop the ball because she also was a big chewer. Ann had a series of health issues so didn't train her properly, but there is still hope. As Bubba was getting old and sick, Zurie keyed into playing with adults and still doesn't much know what to do with other dogs. Zurie has been a big source of comfort since Tim has died. Like her predecessor, Misha, Zurie will jump off the dock and put her head full into the water if she is retrieving something.

Bubba - Golden Retriever #3

You've read about Bubba's sister Misha, both of which Tim and Ann got for free from Tim's friend Paul. Bubba was a huge love. If you were sitting with your hands accessible, he would put his head under and push it up to let you know he wanted petting. He was not as smart as his sister, but he would do ANYTHING for food. I never saw a dog lie down so quickly with the promise of a treat!

Bubba was so sad when Misha died and kept looking for her, so after months Ann broke down and accepted into the house Zurie, golden retriever #4 for Tim and Ann.

Chase - Golden Retriever #1

Tim got Chase soon after they started dating. We never bred him, but had offers, because he was very beautiful with dark red hair. We got him from Tim's friend Paul, who kept Chase's brother and Paul's roommate had the father. They looked alike, but the brother dogs the most. One time Tim brought the wrong dog home! Chase got into a few fights when cornered, but he was also a sweetheart.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Turk - LaMoores - 1970s & 80s

Turk! What a great dog. He was a big black lab with the most skilled begging face I've ever seen! He had already been part of the family when I met Louie. We went on many walks down into the river valley with Turk. Usually, Trouble and her mom followed too.

I'll have to add more memories later. I've gtg!

Minnie - Somers - 1970s

I barely remember this cat. She had been my Uncle Cyril's, but he couldn't keep her in his new home. When I took her, I kept her in my Grandma's basement. (Honestly, I don't even remember if this was while she was still alive, or when we were renting the house out to other people.)

I loved to pet her and love on her, but not for long . . . I don't think I was up for all the responsibility, and I'm not sure what happened to her. If/when I find a photo of her, I'll post it. (I think I have one.)

An older cat memory - for some reason, we had a momma cat at our house. I was a little kid, but in school already. Our pregnant cat was under my bed. When I sat on the bed and heard her loud purring, I looked underneath and saw her litter around her. I screamed something (I think I'll need my parents to fill in this part) and was excited to hold the baby kittens.